Mexico Destination Weddings

Mexico, especially its beach destinations, is popular for couples looking to tie the knot away from home. If you are considering a destination wedding (or elopement), it's important to know this marriage requirements before deciding on your destination.

Chest Xrays and blood tests: these must be done in Mexico, as they have to be in Spanish. All destinations in Mexico may not require this, so check with your wedding planner or the contact at your resort that is coordinating your wedding.

Witnesses: you must have four witnesses present at the legal ceremony, all with valid identification (passport being the most widely accepted).

Legalizing your certificate: make sure to do this in Mexico so that your marriage will be valid in your home country and around the world. Documents (all except passport must be translated into Spanish): marriage application forms obtained at local registry in Mexico, passport, tourist permit completed at entry port, certified birth certificate translated, divorce decree or death certificate if applicable, plates from chest xray, written results of blood test.

For more information on destination weddings and elopements in Mexico and worldwide, visit our partner Let's Elope.